Transcendence implies the exploration of new beginnings, rebirth, revival, or the action of flourishing after a decline. Works in this exhibition explore what it means to rise above something challenging, to a super-conscious state. What might expanded futures look like?
Raph Arp
The piece in the video is an attempt to alleviate a problem for some and thus; to climb over, step over, surpass.
http://arpraph.comCarlos Aquilino
In these paintings I explore unnaturally sized forms and creatures of the earth as they succumb to the overwhelming power of Nature. The ordinary world simply ceases, replaced by a world governed by the omnipotent Nature. Becker
For drawing we use paper: we begin our first sketches. We look through it at one another. We construct our places, with paper. With light we point it out. Our paper. Blyton
Two opposites, the shapes tenderly contained in the constant of the linen's soft grey earthiness. Both closer in tone to the same enveloping grey than to each other. Shifts occur within us throughout our lives yet the shape of ourselves holds true, the values remain within the enveloping eternal circle. Castaneda
Series Urban Orishas Elegbara is the Orisha of fire from the center of the earth. Libido, chaos, power and conscience are the virtues of this force of nature. The root is under the ground, it is the foundation for a new beginning. Only those with deep roots reach the Light.

One Series: No.1
(original painting) cowdung, clay, sand, pigments, wax, white lime and combustion on canvas, video
48 x 60 in / 121.92 x 152.4 cm, video
Uday Dhar
I started One Series after my Dad passed away suddenly. This is a video I made of the first work in the series. The work and the process was a way for me to transmute grief into art. It is about the transcendent experience of birth, death and rebirth that takes on greater significance with each passing day.
Jan Gilbert
Offerings, a work in progress, began just after I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer during the summer of 1999 while I was undergoing multiple treatments and efforts to heal. Offering #2 contained crotons from my garden containing my hair from the day it "died" and the Thanksgiving turkey wishbone my husband and I brought with us to our medical pilgrimage to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York upon completion of chemo and radiation in mid-December of 1999. Gortchakova
Reduplication looks into the unceasing flow of information in the internet and investigates the differences of using key concepts of Buddhism and of network society in different cultures. The dimensions of the color lines are determined by the frequency of words in Internet in different languages (01-English, 02-Chinese, 03-German, 04-Arabic, 05-French, 06-Hebrew, 07-Japanese, 08-Korean, 09-Polish, 10-Russian, 11-Spanish, 12-Turkish. The keywords of Buddhism (wisdom, sympathy, concentration, suffering, happiness) are opposed to those of the network society (profit, power, communication, information). Groener
The premise of Somewhere Else is a rumination on a fugitive place in modern geopolitical realities where the supremacy of the human spirit soars. This scenario is played out by two cell-like structures that mirror and move toward one another, as they break down and transmute. Hogg
No Bateau Lavoir is about transcending the limitations of my environment to create the most challenging work I can. Jovanovic
Departure explores the intersection between our internal and external worlds. Time and space are transfigured to express the convergence of our private and public dimensions. In this state, our sensorial experience gives way to a heightened awareness of the self. Knaven
This series of photographs is about the awareness of “being there”, that split second you realize that you are alive. Macklem
Nights become longer and colder, gradually eclipsing daylight hours. Reverence for the sacred spans the night, a gleaming eye, and jewels in the darkness. Martensen
We are all in the same boat - the only difference is that we make stories up that we are separated in different worlds.
Full Mesh Services (Meditation Parks, Golden Lights)
Inkjet on Paper
13 x 19 in / 33.02 x 48.26 cm
Patrick Meagher
This work is composed of a stock photo of a seated woman meditating in a park, overlaid on a diagram of a Virtual Private Network, within an emanating array of overlapping vectors. R Neeson
The simple action of leaving a circular mirror in the Australian landscape and recording it daily is transcended by nature and weather. Nature’s involvement transcends the simple elements in this video, a circular mirror and rainwater recorded close to a river. Ozmenoglu
From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: transcendence, transcendent or transcendental may refer to (religion). Salvation, the human transcendence of death. Poljski
The image bounces onto a wall and the size varies according to the projected distance.The idea of transcendence for me is derived from the way we see, what surrounds us, and how we relate to this on a daily basis. Our minds are filled with such that sometimes it is good to just stop and look around. The beauty of light and the way light plays on our senses; the temporary and impermanence of light as it bounces of a subject/object and the way that light can heal is what the idea of transcendence means to me. Rieck
I see breathing as the moment of life and death - the unfolding and withdrawal, from life and back into living. Breathing is another kind of fabric - another way of waving structure into physical musicality - another way of connecting life and death and awareness of our body, as both a physicality and impermanence, and transcendental being. Schwalfenberg
The photographs depict nocturnal fairy tales: (in)visible Lichtgestalten surrounding us.
http://www.juliaschwalfenberg.comPatricio Tasisto
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” - T.S. Eliot. Light has a few apparent qualities like color, temperature and intensity, but also less obvious qualities like texture, presence, character and mood. These latter attributes share with emptiness and silence. These works were conceived as “soul spaces”, where silent contemplation and self-introspection prevail, creating a profound interaction between the work, the contained space and the beholder. The pictorial space is reshaped and redefined as well as the internal/external space of the viewer. A fruitful field for questions arises: is it the landscape that moves or our soul that shifts?
http://www.tasisto.comAndy Wauman
This is a short film that I shot on Super 8 in West Java, Indonesia. This city Bali is a place of 'Transcendence', similarly I'm going through a phase of 'Transcendence' as a human being and as an artist. This work and the greater show 'Tropicalization' was the result of these sentiments.
http://www.andywauman.comCleo Wilkinson
What is suggested but hidden by the darkness of the shadows, provides the greatest potential for me. I love nursing the life of an image out of its pitch, black, dark womb transcending into hope - in the form of light – this process has a primordial spiritual magic.
http://www.cleosart.comHeidi Yardley
This work is about identity and transformation through the subconscious mind. It explores transcendence by seeking out what lies beyond ordinary perception.